Thursday, October 31, 2019

An interest group Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

An interest group - Essay Example    ?Are you going to be only focused on a particular state or are you going to be nationwide?   ?Are you going to focus on pursuing your agenda in the courts or in the legislatures?   ?What are the top-3 things that you want to get accomplished?   ?How are you going to make sure that you stay in existence?   ?Who is your biggest competitor?   ?Are you going to primarily rely on inside lobbying or outside lobbying?   ?Which party's candidates are you going to target more? Or will you target candidates from both parties? Or will you stay out of elections?   Mechanics:   The name of my interest group is FEI, freedom entrepreneur’s intellect. Our group is composed of all classes who want to reform the current economic system we currently live in. In essence, the group is committed to fight against poverty; corruption and unnecessary spending that plague the system. In addition, this group is dedicated to go against Iraq war and use that spending to allocate on im portant needs such as Medicare, FAFSA, and social security. Other issues such as gay marriages, abortion, gene cloning are also the fore front of the issues that our party will address. From our research, it makes more sense if we expand our horizons nationwide. It enables us to gain a better leverage in political situations. In addition, we can attract more people towards our cause from every demographic. Going nationwide will enables us to have a better sense of what reforms the country desires and enables us to be in the public sphere. The first thing we want to address is the economic reform that is plaguing the nation. Unemployment has spurted from all states and has left millions of Americans jobless. Hence, propagating this issue will be the first priority. The second element that we will tackle as a group is the idea of Medicare and Social Security. As the baby boomers continue to grow older, the funds allocated for both Medicare and Social Security are being depleted. In es sence, the young generation has no resources that are being allocated for their cause, which is illogical and unjust since they are picking up the burden of paying taxes. Lastly, this group will be persistent on removing troops from Iraq. Undoubtedly, the Iraq was has been a huge expense upon the lives of Americans not only through casualties but emotionally and financially. It is critical that the upcoming president acknowledges this issue and tries to remove troops as soon as possible. Lastly, we also want to shed the light on the fact that we owe millions of dollars to China. American foreign relations with China have been on a downward spiral. The US cannot afford to owe huge amounts of China and lost its position as a supreme world power. Organizing and mobilizing group undoubtedly requires time, effort, and patience. Since I have a strong commerce background, I have learned the idea of viral marketing. Although this is not a product, we as a group feel that these issues are im portant and can attract any demographics. Our main goal is to attract young individuals who have energy, motivation and voting power. We also want to attract the lower class, the immigrants, who are striving to earn their rights in this country. Politics and social networking is dramatic in many ways. The twenty-first century highlights the modern day of technology in which networking has become a vital component towards propagating for their position. The advent of social network without a doubt has made a critical impact towards enhancing or

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Joining the Navy Essay Example for Free

Joining the Navy Essay It was a rainy, humid morning on Wednesday, October 8, 2008, a day I could never forget. I turned over calmly and realized it was 4:30am, time to get out of bed. It was the big day. All these thoughts were racing through my head. What am I doing? Am I sure this is right for me? Will I succeed in this? I was timid, excited, and fluttered all at the same time. It was the day Id no longer be a civilian. Eight weeks from that day Id be calling myself a United States Navvy Sailor. As I woke up and started to get ready, I could feel goose bumps Jitter up my spine. What occupied my mind was the thought of leaving my family. I was the last child still living at home. My brothers were already gone. Would my parents be able to cope? I know my dogs would miss me terribly. It was time to depart to the recruiting office. From there, NCI Valencia had to drive me to the Military Entrance Processing Station. That day felt like a surreal blur. NCI Valencia would give me advice with a big grin on his face, and I would hear him, but not listen. My nerves were overpowering my body and I couldnt manage them. I then pent the whole day in a building completing all these exams to make sure I was hearty and robust to leave. That day was the longest day of my life. Looking around, I felt at ease. All the other recruits were giving out the same body language I was giving. We were all feeling the same feelings and thinking the same thoughts. I wasnt alone. It was time for the Oath of Enlistment Ceremony. A few men in sailor uniforms brought all the recruits into a room with a variety of flags. My family was the only family that attended to take pictures of the big event. I then elevated my right hand, hile standing in the position of attention, and reiterated after Chief, l, Amanda Lazcos, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States of America and Using my peripheral vision, I noticed my mother crying. Keeping my emotions intact was extremely arduous. Think about this: I was embarking on a new Journey and leaving the two most important people in my life at the age of 19. This was the first time I would be away from my parents for a long period of time. It was a life-defining moment. The event had come to a close. It was now time to say my farewells. At this point, it was nearly impossible to even glance at my family. Looking at them would make me realize how much they mean to me. I tried to make it quick and simple so I wouldnt shed a flood of tears. The last scent I reminisced on my mother was her Sunflowers perfume. She adored (and still does) that perfume. My father had this truly glorious look in his eyes. I knew he was so delighted to see me doing something positive towards my future. At the same time, I knew he was going to miss me a lot. In an instant, I was on the bus, and off to the airport along with 37 other recruits.

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Face Image Retrieval With Attribute Based Search

Face Image Retrieval With Attribute Based Search Implementation is the process of converting a new system design into operation. Implementation is the stage of turning the theoretical design into a working system. Therefore it is considered as most important stage in achieving a successful new system and in giving the user, confidence that the new system will work and be effective. It also entails careful planning, investigation of the existing system and it’s constraints on implementation, designing of methods to accomplish changeover and estimate changeover methods. Modules The project entitled as â€Å"Efficient Face Image Retrieval from Large Scale Database Using Attribute Based Search and Ranking† developed using Java and the Modules display as follows: Content based image retrieval Attribute based search Face Image Retrieval Modules Description Content-based image search Content-based image retrieval (CBIR), also called asquery by image content (QBIC) andcontent-based visual information retrieval (CBVIR) is the application of  computer vision  techniques to the  image retrieval  problem, that is, the problem of searching digital images  in large  databases. Present state-of-the-art solutions describe images using high-level semantic concepts which are promising for CBIR. CBIR system consists of several stages as follows: Image Acquisition: This stage acquires digital images from database. Image preprocessing: The image is first processed in order to take out the features, which portray its contents. This processing entails filtering, normalization, segmentation, and object identification. Like, image segmentation is the process of dividing an image into multiple parts. The output is set of important regions and objects. Feature Extraction: Shape, texture, color, etc are the features used to characterize the content of the image. Further these features are classified as low-level and high-level features. Here visual information is extracted from the image and collect them as feature vectors in a feature database. For every pixel, the image description is instigated in the form of feature value by means of feature extraction, later these feature values are used to evaluate the query with the other images during retrieval. Similarity Matching: Information of every image is stored in its feature vectors for computation process and these feature vectors are coordinated with the feature vectors of query image i.e. the searched image in the image database is present or not or how many are similar kind of images are exist or not, which helps in determining the similarity. This step involves the matching of features (e.g. shape, color) to yield a result that is similar to the query image. Resultant Retrieved images: This step investigates the earlier maintained information to find the matched images from database. It displays similar images having closest features as that of the query image. User interface and feedback: This step operates the display of results, ranking, and the type of user interaction with prospect of refining the search using some automatic or manual preferences scheme. Attribute based search However, the evolution of CBIR is overloaded by the semantic gap between the extracted low-level visual features and the required high-level semantics. Even if the images are annotated well through precise concepts, another disreputable gap still leads to unsatisfactory results. This gap is called the intention gap between the envisioned objectives of the users and the indefinite semantics delivered by the query, due to the lack of ability of the query to express the user’s objectives accurately. To bridge this gap, an approach called attribute based image retrieval is used. Here, attributes transfer properties that distinguish objects such as the visual appearances (e.g. shape, texture), functionalities and various other discriminative properties. On one hand, attributes acts as transitional semantics that clearly unites the low-level features and high-level concepts, leads to decline of semantic gap because attributes usually demonstrate general visual properties, which can be simply extracted and modeled contrast to high-level concepts that have higher visual inconsistencies. On the other hand, attributes improve active concept-based image semantic representation and offer more inclusive semantic descriptions of images. By using these attributes, users can allocate most important and accurate semantic description of images which leads to satisfactory results. Attribute detection has sufficient quality on different human attributes. Using these human attributes different applications like face verification, face identification, keyword-based face image retrieval, and similar attribute search have achieved promising results. Goal and approach of attribute based retrieval Previous techniques utilize descriptors on the image that capture global features like color, texture, frequency, etc. Images that have global descriptors return most similar images to query image but not correct matched images. The limitations of these methods are based on matching low-level features is that for many query images; they cannot perform retrieval in a satisfied way and methods based on local descriptors work only on objects. On other hand, methods that utilize global descriptors are not strong to most geometric transformations. In image classification and object recognition attributes are used to represent the images. An attribute has a name and a semantic meaning, but it is easy to recognize for a machine. Attribute names are like name, gender, race, etc. Attribute can be learnt automatically by image classification methods. The objective of this work is to use an attribute-based representation to restore or balance an image search engine. User will calculate various methods to compare attributes, including metric learning. Comparisons will be carried out on standard datasets. Then attribute-based retrieval will be combined with existing retrieval methods. Face Image Retrieval Current face image retrieval methods reach impressive results, but deficient to refine the search, mainly for geometric face attributes. Users cannot find faces easily with slightly more specific leftward pose shifts. To address this problem, a new face search technique is proposed that is complementary to current search engines. The proposed facial image retrieval model deals with a problem of searching similar facial images and retrieving in the search space of the facial images by assimilating (CBIR) techniques and face recognition techniques, by means of semantic description of the facial image. This aims to lessen the semantic gap between high level query requirement and low level facial features of the human face image, such that the system can be ready to meet human needs in description and retrieval of facial image. An efficient content based face image retrieval system is proposed to retrieve the face images. Attributes from face are used to further improving the retrieval performance. Finally inverted index is used in retrieval stage. It has applications in automatic face annotation, crime investigation etc. For large scale datasets, it is essential for an image search application to rank the images such that the most relevant images are sited at the top. This work analysed top results related to a query image with existing method. Experimental results shows that proposed method have better top results compared to existing methods. Experimental Setup Installation of JDK 1.6 and Tomcat Server JDK 1.6: Step 1: Double click on the JDK 1.6 setup file then we will get the following window. A window with License Agreement will be displayed. Then press â€Å"Accept† button. Step 2: Now a custom setup window will be appeared. Then Clickâ€Å"Next†to continue. Step 3: AProgresspanel will be appeared that takes a few minutes to go through the installation. Step 4: A custom setup window for Runtime Environment will be appeared. Then Clickâ€Å"Next† to continue. Step 5: A Progresspanel will be appeared that takes a few minutes to go through the installation. Step 6: When the installation is completed, clickâ€Å"Finish†to exit the wizard. Step 7: To set the environment variables for java, Right-Click mycomputer and click properties. Then, the below window will be appeared and Click Environment variables. Step 8: Now, click new in the System variables section. Step 9: After clicking new button, a box will appear containing with variable name and variable value. Give the variable name as â€Å"PATH† and variable value as the java bin file path. Step 10: Finally click OK. Now, we can successfully run java programs. Tomcat server: Tomcat is an open source web server developed by Apache Group. Apache Tomcat is the servlet container used in official Reference Implementation for the Java Servlet and JavaServer Pages technologies. The Java Servlet and JavaServer Pages specifications are developed by Sun under the Java Community Process. Web Servers support only web components while an application server supports web components as well as business components. To develop a web applications with jsp/servlet install Tomcat. A web server is, of course, the program that dishes out web pages in response to requests from a user sitting at a web browser and returns vibrant results to the user’s browser. This is an aspect of the web that Apache’s Tomcat is very good at because Tomcat provides both Java servlet and Java Server Pages (JSP) technologies. Ultimately Tomcat is a good option for many applications as a web server. Step 1: First double click on the Apache Tomcat setup file and then click Next button. Step 2: Now a window with License Agreement will be displayed as above. Then press I Agree option. Step 3: Now select type of the install as Full and then click on Next. Step 4: Now select the destination where the Tomcat has to be installed and click on Next. Step 5: Now set the configuration, connector port as 8081 and set the username and password as admin and click on Next. Step 6: Now a window with Java Virtual Machine will be displayed and click Install option. Step 7: Now the window with installation process will be displayed and might take few minutes. Step 8: Select the Run Apache Tomcat option and click on Finish. Setting the Java Environment Variable: Here are the steps for setting the environment variable on mycomputer. These steps are similar for all windows. Open the control panel under the start menu. 1. Double-click on System. 2. Click on the Advanced tab. 3. Click on the Environment Variables button. 4. Under System Variables, click on the New button. 5. For variable name, type:JAVA_HOME 6. For variable value, type:C:j2sdk1.4.2_01 7. Continue to click OK to exit the dialog windows. Now set the following in Variable and value: 1. Variable name: CLASSPATH; Variable value: C:Program FilesApache Software FoundationTomcat 6.0bin; C:Program FilesApache Software FoundationTomcat 6.0libservlet-api.jar; C:Program FilesApache Software FoundationTomcat 6.0libjsp-api.jar; 2. Variable name: PATH; Variable value: C:Program FilesJavajdk1.6.0_21bin; and then click on OK. Now for checking whether the Tomcat has installed successfully or not, open the browser and type http:/localhost:8081/. If it is installed successfully the following page will be displayed. After clicking the Tomcat Manager then will ask to enter username and password. After clicking the login option the Tomcat Web Application Manager page will be displayed. Installation of MySQL and SQLyog MySQL is definitely the most admired and widely-used open source database, simple to set up and use and is recognized as one of the fastest database engines. Manual installation offers several benefits: Backing up, reinstalling, or moving databases can be achieved in seconds. MySQL can be installed anywhere, such as a portable USB drive. MYSQL installation steps: Step 1: Download MySQL FollowMySQL Community Server,Windowsand download the â€Å"Without installer† version. Step 2: Extract the files install MySQL to C:mysql, so extract the ZIP to C: drive and rename the folder from â€Å"mysql-x.x.xx-win32†³ to â€Å"mysql†. MySQL can be installed anywhere on your system. If lightweight installation is needed then remove all sub-folders except for bin, data, scripts and share. Step 3: Move the data folder (optional) placing the data folder on another drive or partition is recommended to make backups and re-installation easier. For example, create a folder called D:MySQLdata and move the contents of C:mysqldata into it. Now two folders are there, D:MySQLdatamysql and D:MySQLdatatest. The original C:mysqldata folder can be removed. Step 4: Create a configuration file MySQL provides several configuration methods but, in general, it is easiest to to create a my.ini file in the mysql folder. There are several options to squeeze MySQL to exact requirements, but the simplest my.ini file is: [mysqld] # installation directory basedir=C:/mysql/ # data directory datadir=D:/MySQLdata/ Step 5: Test installation MySQL server is started by running the command C:mysqlbinmysqld.exe. Open a command box (Start > Run > cmd) and enter the following commands: Cd mysqlbin Mysqld This will start the MySQL server which listens for requests on localhost port 3306. Now start the MySQL command line tool and connect to the database. Open another command box and enter: cd mysqlbin mysql -u root This will show a welcome message and the mysql> prompt. Enter â€Å"show databases;† to view a list of the pre-defined databases. Step 6: Change root password MySQL root user is an all-powerful account that can create and destroy databases. In shared network, it is advisable to change the default (blank) password. From the mysql> prompt, enter: UPDATE mysql.user SET password=PASSWORD(my-new-password) WHERE User=root; FLUSH PRIVILEGES; Prompted the password for next time you start the MySQL command line. Enter â€Å"exit† at the mysql> prompt to stop the command line client, now shut down MySQL with the following command: mysqladmin.exe -u root shutdown. Step 7: Install MySQL as a Windows service The easiest way to start MySQL is to add it as a Windows service. From a command prompt, enter: cd mysqlbin mysqld install Open the Control Panel, Administrative Tools, then Services and double-click MySQL. Set the Startup type to â€Å"Automatic† to ensure MySQL starts every time pc is booted. Alternatively, set the Startup type to â€Å"Manual† and launch MySQL using the command â€Å"net start mysql†. Note that the Windows service can be removed using: cd mysqlbin mysqld –remove SQLYog Installation: SQLYog is a freeware and download it at: on â€Å"Download† in the SQLYog Community Edition (freeware). First click on SQLYog Community Edition 5.2(stable). A window is opened, asking what you want do.Choose â€Å"Record†. A new window will open and asking where you want to record this files.Make one click on â€Å"My documents† on the left, next click on â€Å"Record†. When download is finished choose â€Å"Execute† for launching the installation. If this window is not there then go to â€Å"My Documents† and make 2 clicks on the file that you have just downloaded. Then click on â€Å"Execute†. Installation of sqlyog: Step 1: After click on â€Å"Execute†, just click on â€Å"NEXT† button. Step 2: In this page about the licence, choose â€Å"I accept† button and click on â€Å"NEXT†. Step 3: Then asks where to record the program on computer. Choose a destination directory, and click on â€Å"Install† shown in below window. Step 4: Then click on â€Å"NEXT†. Step 5: Click on â€Å"Finish† for finishing the installation in the following window. Set SQLYog Step 1: When SQLYog is opened for first time set the program to which database you want to connect. For that, make 1 click on â€Å"New† button. Step 2: Enter a name for the connection. It is just about a means of differentiating a connection for a base to another, it is neither the identifier of connexion, nor the password. Step 3: Next, click on â€Å"OK†. SQLYog will open a connexion window to the database. Enter the following settings: MySQL Host Address: It is about the address on the network of server, either return an address IP or an address URL. If the server is on the same computer that SQLYog, put â€Å"localhost†. Username: It’s the username, corresponding to â€Å"id† of the user. For example: â€Å"root† Password: It’s the password associate to Username Port: it’s the port number using by MySQL. Default: 3306. Database: It’s the name of the database witch you want to connect to. If don’t put anything here, SQLYog will show the entire database on the server. After finished entering the information, test them by clicking on â€Å"Test Connexion† then click on the â€Å"Save† button for saving.

Friday, October 25, 2019

The Love Scene between George and Maire from Translations Essay

The Love Scene between George and Maire from Translations This scene, in my opinion is the dramatic centre of Translations. The scene displays that George and Maire have fallen in love as they return from the dance together; the pair find it hard to communicate, and exhaust every method of communication before reciting place names to one another. The common language of the place names increases the tension between George and Maire until, finally, they kiss. The kiss is witnessed by Sarah who uses her new found talent of speech to tell Manus. The scene, in my view is very important as it is the catalyst for the disastrous events which follow, it leads to the disappearance of George, the search of Baile Baeg by new English soldiers, Maire’s despair, and the imminent ‘evictions and leveling of every abode’. The stage directions play a prominent part in the scene, they specify darkness and music being played, the music is significant as it is a common form of communication, everybody can relate to it. The ‘music rises to a crescendo’ as Maire and Yolland enter on stage and the audience are involved in the excitement and merriment of the pair. The music also crescendos later after Sarah has seen them which emphasizes the significance of what has just happened. The stage directions also describe their actions towards one another, the gestures and the pause before the kiss; all which would add a lot of drama and pace to the scene. Act 2 Scene 1, which is just before the love scene, is very different. Maire and George at this point are still very shy and use Owen to translate everything between them: Maire: Tell him then Owen: Tell him what? Maire: About the dance. Maire is essentially inviting Ge... ...hows that she has gone to tell him about George and Maire, bring the scene to a climax. It is also poignant that after Sarah has been given the gift of speech, she is now about to use it to tell her teacher and change everything in Baile Baeg, possibly costing George’s life. As the scene acts as a microcosm of the play’s messages, Friel displays the themes of translation, cultural differences and conflict of interests all in one scene. As a result, I think that this is a very important, if not the most important scene of the entire play, as the scenes before all build up to this moment, and the later events preceding it are all results of George and Maire’s union. Brian Friel has also managed to keep the audience interested by using tension, pace, irony and suspense; and successfully brings the end of the act to a climax, keeping the audience engaged.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Any Kind Checks Cashed, Inc. v. Talcott Essay

According to the UCC, a holder in due course is a holder who takes an instrument for value in good faith and devoid of notice of assured claims, as well as defenses on the instrument. It is imperative in the case of ‘Any Kind Checks Cashed, Inc. v. Talcott’ to determine if the holder of the instrument acted in good faith, in fair dealing as is compulsory in order to be considered the holder in due course. According to the Commercial Law Article 3-103 (a) (4); good faith refers to sincerity or honesty in fact and the adherence to logical commercial standards of fair dealing (Twomey, D., & Jennings, M.). Apart from this, the court upholds the trial court finding that Any Kind did not act in good faith when cashing a check for $10,000. However, Any Kind had been in good faith in later on cashing one more check for $5,700. I agree that ‘Talcott’ was responsible for the $5,700 even despite the fact that he was illegally persuaded to issue a check (Legale .com). The procedures in place at Any Kind Checks Cashed, Inc.states that a supervisor that has the power as well as authority to approve checks over $2,000. However, the supervisor should have been more cautious due to the unusual amount of the check of $10,00.00. When the second check of $5,700.00 was presented the check cashing company had been in contact with Talcott getting his verbal approval for cashing a check. As a result, Any Kind Check Cashed Inc. satisfied the good faith prerequisites for a holder in due course. In reviewing if, the tellers actions where in accordance with good faith and acted reasonable within the commercial standards for accepting and processing the check. The fact is that the clerk did take action and question the intent of the check of $10,000.00 by calling the maker of the check Mr. Talcott, but was not able to reach him. As a result  of not reaching Mr. Talcott the, the supervisor relied on her judgment and experience to make her decision to cash the check. Using her judgment coupled with appeared to be evidence the FedEx envelope showing that the FedEx was sent from Mr. Talcott the supervisor was acting in good faith but not in accordance with a the reasonable commercial code. There should have been some level of suspicion that someone would pay a 500.00 fee to cash a check and not go to his or her bank and collect the full amount of the 10,000.00. To a reasonable person this type of behaviour may raise a red flag as to the desperation of the person (payee) to cash such a large check. The check cashing store should have verified with the issuing bank to ensure that there was enough monies in the account to cover the check and verify that the check is good (no stop payment was issued). When Mr. Guarino presented a second check to the check cashing store for $5,700.00, the store reached out and spoke with Mr. Talcott asking him to verify the check for $5,700.00, which he verified. The check cashing store never mentioned the first check of $10,000.00. Perhaps they presumed that since Mr, Talcott approved the second check that and never said anything about the first one being of issue it may have seemed as a nonissue. If Any Kind processed the $10,000 check with proper caution and procedures beyond making a phone call and not getting an answer from the maker of the check. Any Kind should have contacted the bank the check was drawn on to verify that there was no issue with the check and not rely on experience and a FedEx cover. In order to ensure that they and preserved their status of the holder in due course status. The courts determined that Any Kind was not the holder in due course due to the manner in which they did not ensure that the check was valid before cashing and processing it. I agree with the court’s decision in finding that Any Kind is not the HDC for the $10,000.00 since they were really negligent in the handling and processing of the check. I agree, with the court’s ruling in favour that Any Kind is the HDC for the $5,700.0. Since ‘Any Kind’handled the process in good faith and within accordance with reasonable commercial standards according to the UCC 3-419[3] (Legale .com). References Cornell Law: Uniform Commercial Code. Retrieved Dec 30, 2014. â€Å"Federal Reserve Bank: Regulation and compliance guide.† Retrieved Dec. 28, 2014. ANY KIND CHECKS CASHED, INC. v. TALCOTT | (n.d.). Retrieved from Twomey, D., & Jennings, M. (2014). Kinds of Instruments, Parties, and Negotiability. Business Law: Principles For Today’s Commercial Environment (4th edition ed., pp. 567- 568). Mason: Cengage learning.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Types of Courage to Kill a Mockingbird

To Kill a Mockingbird types of courage In Harper Lee’s â€Å"To Kill a Mockingbird† Lee has three characters Atticus, Jem, and Scout Finch. These characters all have shown these types of courage physical, mental, and personal. The character Atticus shows mental and personal courage when he defends black man Tom Robinson who was being accused of something he didn’t do and this displays mental and personal courage because he knew his name would get slandered accross maycomb county, yet he still defended Tom.Atticus showed phisical courage when he cam face to face with the rabbid dog. This displays phisical courage because wasn’t afraid of his phisical body being hurt by the crazy dog. Jem Finch showed personal and phisical courage when he went back to get his pants from the Radley place. This displayed personal and phisical courage because even though Mr. Radley said he would shoot the next peron that steps foot on his yard he still went back to get it. This portion demonstrates his phisical courage.The personal courage in this is the reason he went back to get the pants, because he went back because he didnt want to disapoint his father and its a point in the book where we notice he is becoming more mature also. Jem showed mental courage when he goes back and fixes Ms. Dubose’s flowers because he was very angry with her for talking that way about his father yet he did the right thing and fixed her flowers. Scout Finch showed phisical courage when she faught Jem. This displays phiscal courage because she knew Jem was bigger older and stronger yet she still faught him and wasnt afraid of getting hurt.Scout showed personal courage when she walked away from a fight with Cicil Jacobs. This didplays personal courage because she was young and thought fight was the only way to solve a problem but she listened to her father by not fighting him. Lastly Scout showed mental courage when she was rolled into the Radley yard (by accedent) by Jem in the tire. This shows mental courage because she wasnt afraid in the Radley yard she was more conserned about herself at that point but she was in the Radley yard un afraid.